miercuri, 23 martie 2011

I want to be a journalist because….

I have a desire to seek out the truth, and share it with others, I care about events and people, I ask the hard questions and I also like to report the difficult and sometimes unpopular facts.
            Just maybe I can educate people and help build a better future, but I think this is just an idea too optimistic, and also because there’s a story behind everything and the only way to effect wide-spread change is to inform.
I want to be a journalist because there is nothing that makes me feel more alive than telling a story and empowering myself with knowledge from all walks of life.
            I want to have the ability to see, hear and experience priceless moments that others could only dream of, meet interesting people and tell the world what I found.

               To be honest the most interesting thing that comes along with this job is that journalists can ask anyone anything anytime. And learn a little more about themselves in the process.
 So let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to be a journalist?
Who doesn’t want to meet important people and also get paid for it? 

          “Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air.”


              I don’t know how said that but I love it.

vineri, 18 martie 2011

  Probabil că ne întrebăm adesea ce ar putea însemna muzica.În urma unui studiu, cercetătorii de la "Institutul Naţional al parcului Herastrau" au constatat că următoarele citate pot explica semnificaţia muzicii.

Muzica este graiul sufletului. Ea stârneşte în noi, nu instinctele, ci gândurile cele mai profunde.
Muzica este o izbucnire a sufletului.
Muzica este stenografia emoţiei.
Muzica este adevărata limbă universală.
Muzica este mijlocul prin care ne vorbeşte timpul. Ea ne face să-i simţim trecerea.
Muzica este cea mai puternică formă de magie.

      În urma vizualizării filmului  am putea spune ca aceste citate sunt lipsite de sens,întrucât acest tip de  exprimare liberă în cadrul unui parc bucureştean, arată nevoia tinerilor de  a progresa , este un alt mod de a te distra,dar care implică un anumit risc, respectiv poluarea fonică.

Acest articol este un pamflet.

luni, 14 martie 2011

Johnny Depp's Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

           Even Johnny Depp can't say no to Penélope Cruz, and as this first trailer for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides shows, that could get him in a bit of trouble.
Captain Jack Sparrow is back in all his swashbuckling glory, and as always he's a man on a mission. But this time he'll be facing some truly dangerous obstacles...

           Like what, you ask? Well, these little Disney mermaids are deadly, for one. That's right. Jack's on a quest with Cruz to find the Fountain of Youth, and in addition to those perfidious sea maidens (they'll waste no time luring your pirate friends to a watery grave), he'll have to take on zombies (they're all the rage now) and the pirate all pirates fear, Blackbeard (Ian McShane).
 As this is the fourth movie in the franchise, we were nervous that the schtick might be getting old. But once again, Depp nails the Captain's bravado and swagger, and i can't wait to see more.